This song means a lot to has lots of nice memories to i heared it by chance..i found out myself i want to dedicate it for all of U...
Struming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
killing me softy with his song
killing me softly with his song
telling my whole life
with his words
killing me softly with his song
دوريات جديدة في الكويت؟
1 week ago
Which version?
Luryn Hill or Aretha Franklin what ever u choose
1- it was originally sung by Roberta flack
2- pls share your happy memory with us
Mosan: I know...but i heared these 2 viesions only..and sorry can not share
you already told me verbaly
This song has fond memories for me also :)
great choice nanonano...inshallah doom you smile 7abebty :)
Yeah Roberta Flack, always listen to the originals, never to the remakes.
Wow.. how come that period of time has allot of memories?? I too have great memories around that period when that song was out.. the Luryn Hill version..
Mosan: it was my 25th birthday
my 25th BD I celebrated listing to ole blue eyes the chairman of the board all day and drinking champagn
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