وحده من صديقاتي المقربات جدا فيها مشكله...مشكلتها الصفنه..يعني تسرح..لو مهما كان أهمية الموضوع و لو مهما كان النقاش حامي تلاقيها صفنت.. مو معناتها أن أهيه مو مهتمه بالموضوع أو قلة احترام..بس تعودنا عليها شذي أكون قاعده أسولف و مستنه أشوف عيونها أعرف أن أهيه مو معاي.. و المشكله معاها مو اذا احنا قاعدين متجمعين المشكله اذا الواحد قاعد يكلمها بالتليفون..حلني..بس مو هذي المشكله..المشكله أن من عاب أبتلى..صايره أنا من أروح حق تجمع و ما عجبني الموضوع أسرح ...و المشكله تلاقيني أسأل سؤال و بعدين أسرح..آخر مره حسيت باحراج كنت قاعده أزور وحده بالمستشفى و من سوء حظي قعدت يم وحده قراقه.. و أنا أطفر من الكلام الوايد.. أنا عادتي أجاوب على قد السؤال.. ما أدري ليش تليقفت و سألتها سؤال...الصج يتني دوره و كبدي قامت تقلب من القرقه .. فسرحت أو صفنت و فجأه انتبهت أن الكل قاعد يطالعني.. عرفت أن أهيه قاعد تسند علي...الله يا الفشله وايد كنت محرجه
دوريات جديدة في الكويت؟
1 week ago
Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD)
Attention deficit disorder is a syndrome characterized by serious and persistent difficulties in the following three specific areas:
Attention span.
Impulse control.
Hyperactivity (sometimes).
ADD is a chronic disorder that can begin in infancy and extend through adulthood, having negative effects on a child's life at home, school, and within the community. It is conservatively estimated that 3 to 5% of our school-age population is affected by ADD.
The condition previously fell under the headings, "learning disabled," "brain damaged," "hyperkinetic," or "hyperactive." The term attention deficit disorder was introduced to describe the characteristics of these children more clearly.
يا مالك الشققققققققققاق
Nanoa.. sorry 7abeebtee, but A.D.D was the first thing that came to mind right in the middle of the post before I even click on the comment section.. :))
Well CN
maybe we should come up with our own ADD shot.
sorry i forgot to say goodbye last time.
This has to be THE worst thing that can happen during sex
I just called my friend and confrinted her that she has ADD her answer was that i have DVD..LooOOL
Carppio it's the panadol girl
Bo Jaij: it depends on who it happenes to..if it was a boring session that would b the best thing to happen
Bu jaij
Thats bad thats really bad.. if it happens switch on your imagination and the hell with ADD person.
Did your baby come back?
It will be like necrophilia with a warm body
What kind of thoughts come to mind during those extremly boring moments....When is lunch? or how come the ceiling paint job looks so ugly?
Bo_Jaij: Noooooooo darling thinking in what's on TV
I only watch the "Daily Dead List" at the end of the News. Only excitement there is when the Anchorman tries to pronounce the name of the deceased which sounds too much like the word Penis in Kuwaiti. Sometimes I think the dead person must be laughing his head off hearing his name on TV.
I think we are dicovering an Obsession or a twist in Bo jaij sex adventures
Yeah sex with dead people, and who isnt sexually dead in Kuwait or just faking it
not all,,, Bo jaij only married people with their sposes act like dead people according to the majority of dead ,,,sorry i meant married people.onther hand when the are in affair they preform vey well
Big Kahuna: welcome to my blog...i think u have a very valid points
Big Kahuna ( Big Testicles - perfect nickname for such subject )
Married people everywhere have dead sex life for various reasons, here in Kuwait its mostly because the young girl mind is planted with SO MUCH FUCKING GUILT about her sexuality since the first day she uncrossed her legs in the Living room and her panty was seen by her dad or uncles.
As for the average Q8y male, sex is such a taboo here the poor teenaged boy gets most of the information about sex from the wrong people or beastiality porn movies, could be the maid or the driver or schoolmates or his Hooker-addicted uncle, and most of the time the information consists of sick fantasies. If a little boy first experience is with a Filipino maid and the next time he wanted her to pleasure him she asked for 5 KD, what will happen to that boy when he grows up?
The whole idea of sex for the average kuwaiti Adult ( is there any really ? ) will be filthy, paid for and hide-from-your-parents-dont-make-a-sound-or breath intercourse.
Dr Freud would have had a great time here in Kuwait. Not just Mom and dad are always with you in bed staring at you, but your uncles, aunts and the govt with magles al umma as a whole......all of them making that annoying ..tsk tsk tsk sound.
The girl who threw up after oral sex, let her try flavored condoms, they are available here in Q8 ..even chocolate ones.
As for Dr Fawzia Aldree3, I dont think a virgin should teach about sex, even if her hymn is made of a soild gold sheet. Like the one you see on the space shuttle.
أنا بس أبي أفهم شلون تحول الموضوع من الصفنه الى التجارب الجنسيه الفاشله للأزواج الكويتيين...أعتقد أن الفضل يعود الى
Mosano & Bo_Jaij
We are trying to reach the source of the problem, trying to understand how it started. And you know every problem that man or woman faces always starts from...sex
Why do you think those terrorists are causing such problems here these days, yeah because they can't wait anymore to meet the Virgins in heaven.
Why do you think Diet Pepsi is so popular these days, because when it spills on your naked body it wont feel so sticky.
Its all sex I tell you....its all sex and you fools think that because we are Kuwaitis or jews or something
3 cheers to Bo jaijs
أنا أنحني أحتراما لتحليلك المنطقي
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