If I should lose you
The stars would fall from the skies
If I should lose you
The leaves would wither and die
The birds in maytime
Would sing a lonely refrain
And I would wander around
Hating the sound of rain
With you beside me
No wind in winter would blow
With you beside me
A rose would bloom in the snow
I gave you my love
But I was living a dream
And living would seem in vain
If I lost you
دوريات جديدة في الكويت؟
1 day ago
Hmm odd posts, first a do3'a then a song, how can your mood shift quick? or are the two connected to one mood?
u cought me i'm really mooooooody
Hmmm... I wonder what reminded you of Nina Simone
أنا ما أدري ليش عنت علي امس
Yeah I have not seen or known any woman that was not moody in a certain way.
by the way i'm moody when i'm bored not all the time
Read what you just said and think of what you have been saying the past few weeks :)
If you did not get what I meant, then simply, you have been bored all the time :)
P72: u r right but from now i'm much better i had some disappointments but now i mean from now enshalla i'll b better...
i wish i have arabic in my P.C because i have an old (Q8y)song i wanted to dedicate it for u ;-)
WoW nanonano i am starting to like you more cuz your tilting towards chicken nuggets and drifting away from the ttug... RIP nina
see how you are?
كلش مو شكن نغتس
الصج دورت كلمات سهيل الجنوب حق عايشه المرطه ما لقيتها شان احط نينا سيمون
I rest my case... yala ta3ali ma3ana and stop being in denial... walla e7na wanasa...
أنا ما قلت انتو مو وناسه بالعكس بس كل واحد وله اجوائه الخاصة انا استمتع في الاثنين بس شئ اساسي بالنسبه لي المجموعه اهيه اللي تحدد مدا اندماجي
hmm, nice thought but why me :)?
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