Nice post. I heard the news about the PWC tender in the afternoon and then watched the game in the evening and i still got pissed off!
Whats worse than losing is the fact that they played like wussys!
I got a msg from a dear friend saying that if the management team of Makhazen played against the Saudi, they would have probably received better results than our team. I think he's right. I also got a message that women should be allowed in our football team to improve the team's performance. I think thats right too.
المباراة هى للتنفيس على الأخوة و الأخوات السعوديين
كأس العالم ما نبيه و مانبى نخسر بثمانية أهداف مثل بعض الناس فى كأس العالم
لعبوا كرة حيل و شربوا لبن المراعى فالرياضة و الإهتمام بها المفروض - كالدول الراقية - يأتى بعد الإهتمام بحقوق الناس وخاصة الحريم
مانبى طمباخية و لا رياضة تلهينا عن همومنا و مشاكلنا مثل ما يحدث بالسعودية
سبعين ألف مشجع ذكر و لا أنثى وحدة؟
وين الرقى و التقدم عنكم و لا بعد الف سنة لمن تاخذون كأس العالم الذى سيقام فى قندهار
إذا كان صعود السوق مرتبط بخسارة منتخبنا الوطني فأدعو الله العلي القدير أن لا يعرف المنتخب غير الخسارة
بيني وبينك السوق أهم
Dear Nano,
Nice post. I heard the news about the PWC tender in the afternoon and then watched the game in the evening and i still got pissed off!
Whats worse than losing is the fact that they played like wussys!
I got a msg from a dear friend saying that if the management team of Makhazen played against the Saudi, they would have probably received better results than our team. I think he's right. I also got a message that women should be allowed in our football team to improve the team's performance. I think thats right too.
They played like they were drugged.
7addi im3asba lema al7een!
هاردلك الكويت ... يستاهلون المنتخب السعودي ....
مبروك للكويت للفوز بعقد المخازن
من صجكم الى الحين تتابعون منتخبنا طايح الحظ؟؟؟؟
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